CGI Animated Short Film: “Tokyo Ghost“ by Animum | CGMeetup
CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Tokyo Ghost Animated Short Film by Animum. Featured on CGMeetup Gallery
Los Angeles Islands, 2089: humanity is addicted to technology. A declining population is willing to do anything to get its hands on the new digital shot. Led Mella and Debbie Declive, the city’s last hope, are trying to keep peace in a society at the end of its life.
Based on Tokyo Ghost (Image Comics / Norma Editorial), a comic book written by Rick Remender, drawn by Sean Murphy and colored by Matt Hollingsworth. Produced by Animum Creativity Advanced School and created with almost 40 students from various disciplines of 3D animation.
Produced by Animum Creativity Advanced School.
MODELERS: Marc Fuster, Martín Carrillo, Miriam Rebollo, Carmen Medina, Francisco José García, Víctor Manuel Sánchez, Eva Azucena Ara, Judit Carmena, Fernando Tejada, Pablo Marrón, Mª Ángeles Gómez, Juan Duarte López, Alberto Delgado, Alejandro Damas, Edgar Teba.
RIGGERS: Isabel Martínez Pastor, Juan Manuel Fernández, Paula Contreras, Víctor Manuel Vera, Mercedes García Betegón, Juan José Jerónimo.
3D ANIMATORS: Eric Ulloa, Marc Fernández, David Gimeno, Fátima Tamayo, Imanol Ayarza, Francisco Freire, Gustavo Santos Vega, Santiago Martín Cantelmi, Sergio Campos Polo, Juan Elías Tuchtfeldt
LIGHTERS: Jesús Parras, Mª Isabel Ramírez, Noelia Arcos, Isaac Rupérez Cano, Alejandro González.
CFX: Cristal Abigail Gutiérrez.
Director, 3D Layout, Rig, Animation and Lighting Coordinator.
Coordinators: David Plaza, Miguel Ángel Carriquí, Andrés Mendoza, Octavio Alonso and Sandra Rubio.
Original story by Rick Remender, Sean Murphy and Matt Hollingsworth, published by Image Comics. They can also be found here:
More info:
Making of:
Animum Creativity Advanced School:
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CGI Animated Short Film: “Tokyo Ghost“ by Animum | CGMeetup
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