Whitehall in Stalin’s Russia: British assessments of the Red Army, 1934-1945

In this video, Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos presents his new book, entitled: Whitehall in Stalin’s Russia: British assessments of the Red Army, 1934-1945. It can be purchased from Amazon by visiting or through contacting Dr Marcus by email at books@. Dr. Marcus Papadopoulos’ book makes an important contribution to our knowledge of Anglo-Soviet relations, by showing how the racial prejudices of the British military establishment towards Russians hindered the relationship between the Allies during and after the Second World War. — Alessandro Barbero, Professor of History at the University of Eastern Piedmont Prospective readers may also be interested in Dr Papadopoulos’ previously published book, entitled: Arise, Rossiya: The Return of Russia to World Politics. It can also be purchased from Amazon, by visiting Alternatively, it can be purchased from . Finally, it can be purchased by contacting Dr Marcus directly. Copyright 2023 Dr Marcus Papadopolous. This video and its description are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) License.
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