Viktor Orbán - on the upcoming EU summit in Budapest:
Viktor Orbán - on the upcoming EU summit in Budapest:
We are in for a strong week in terms of the history of the entire Western world. A week ago there was the Eastern world summit, there was the world summit in Kazan. We have to say that these countries account for more of the world’s economic activity than the western world economy. So the people of the East got together and decided what to do. And the people of the West will gather in Hungary next week. We will take 41 European leaders.
The balance of power in the Western world will be very different by the end of the year. I think after the American elections, there will be a majority there in favor of peace. And today, also in terms of gender, in terms of the destruction of the traditional family and the spread of these new forms of union, there is a pro-gender world in the Western Hemisphere today. This is going to change in the next two weeks, and the patriots and Donald Trump in America are going to work together to impleme...
Source: Slavyangrad
21 view
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