1 Share = Important Knowledge!Having Aloe Vera, The Money Plant and the Spiders Plant

1 Share = 1 More Plant! Important Knowledge! Having Aloe Vera, The Money Plant and the Spiders Plant in your home and bedroom massively improves your quality of life. They clean and purify the air like a filter and help us get more oxygen-rich air. This is not some hocus-pocus plant hippie bs, but actually based on a huge body of evidence. but they don‘t want you to know or use plants. ALOE VERA: AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT Enhances air quality by removing common household toxins (PMID: 20036456). ALOE VERA: PROMOTES BETTER SLEEP Releases oxygen at night, potentially improving sleep quality (PMID: 20036456). MONEY PLANT: REDUCES STRESS Presence in the bedroom may help reduce anxiety and stress levels (PMID: 31880061). MONEY PLANT: AIR PURIFYING Effective in removing indoor pollutants, leading to cleaner air (PMID: 31674909). SPIDER PLANT: REMOVES AIRBORNE ALLERGENS Helps in removing allergens from the air, beneficial for those with allergies (PMID: 16268830). SPIDER PLANT: ENHANCES HUMIDITY Increases room humidity, which can benefit respiratory health (PMID: 16268830). Join us now: Before Our Time📜
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