Movement of men and materials and pressure on Nazi Germany in the Mediterranean Theatre re...(1943)
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The Battle for Italy does not end with the Italian surrender or the withdrawal of the Italian Royal Navy as Nazi German Wehrmacht units disarm their former Axis partners and resume the fight
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Gaumont British Ident
SLATE INFORMATION: The Battle for Italy
SICILY: Strait of Messina:
salvo, barrage, ammunition, bomb, bombing, pounding, naval, navy, craft, soil, enemy, battleship, cruiser, destroyer, RN, USN, U.S. Navy, naval guns, shell, Italy, Italian, shore, shoreline, coastline, bombardment, Salerno Bay, LST, casualty, casualties, landing craft, DUKW, fire, flame, prisoner of war, POW, bridgehead, beachhead, troops, units, lorry, lorries, trucks, landing, expedition, consolidate, consolidation, motorcycle troops, reconnaissance, recon, Malta, St. George island, armada, fleet, Italian Royal Navy