toco toco - Koji Yamamura, Animator

TODAY’S GUEST Koji Yamamura, Animator 今回のゲスト 山村浩二、アニメーター PLACES WE WENT TO Joshinji Temple, Kuhombutsu Area Nekojarashi Park, Kuhombutsu Area Au Praxinoscope, Jiyugaoka Area Tokyo University of the arts, Bankokubashi Campus, Bashamichi Area 訪れた場所 浄真寺、九品仏周辺 猫じゃらし、九品仏周辺 Au Praxinoscope、自由が丘周辺 東京藝術大学、大学院映像研究科、馬車道 - Koji Yamamura is an independent animator known for his short films such as Mount Head, A Country’s Doctor or more recently Muybridge’s Strings. After visiting his atelier, we will follow Yama
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