“Commandeering“ the measurements of Stradivari’s Titian like the way Captain Jack Sparrow commandeering a ship. Nautical term, you know. So, am not making an exact copy here.
Please be kind with the Violin Sound, just a new born baby!
Online violin making course:
Digital Titian Templates:
- I did use electricity to turn on the cooker to cook my glue because I don’t prefer to make fire in my very indoor area.
- I did also use power drills, because traditional hand drills are REALLY hard to use, and VERY VERY hard to find. Forgive me for being weak..
- The air conditioning and
...the lighting in the workshop are also powered by electricity, if you want to be picky. But that’s the only way I can see and breath.
This violin I am building is actually the material for a tutorial series of “Violin making for violin lovers and weekend woodworkers, with a little or no woodworking experience and limited resource, but always dream of building there own instruments with their own hands, from scratch, at home, FOR REAL“
But I am still thinking about a better title...
Anyway, stay tuned!
There is also a voice over version:
How to Make a Violin at Home Tutorial:
EVERYTHING you need to know before start Making a Violin at Home:
Your Luthier Friend is Making a Violin:
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