Animal Toast 4 Ways

Here is what you’ll need! Animal Toast 4 Ways Servings: 1 INGREDIENTS Bread of choice, sliced Bear Toast 1 slice bread Peanut butter Banana, sliced Blueberries PREPARATION Toast the bread to your preference. Spread the peanut butter on the bread in a smooth layer. Place the bananas on the bread as ears and nose. Place the blueberries as the eyes and on the nose. Enjoy! Fox Toast Servings: 1 INGREDIENTS Peanut butter Cream cheese Banana, sliced Blueberries Strawberries, sliced PREPARATION Toast the bread to your preference. Spread the peanut butter in a triangle at the top of the bread. Fill in the rest of the bread with cream cheese. Place the bananas on the bread as eyes and strawberry slices as ears. Place the blueberries on the eyes and the nose. Enjoy! Owl Toast Servings: 1 INGREDIENTS Cream cheese Strawberries, sliced Banana, sliced Almond Blueberries PREPARATION Toast the bread to your preference. Spread the cream cheese on the bread until smooth. Place the strawberry slices
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