“Not for me“ — English subs and translation

Russian Empire, 1838 Donate & Support: And old Russian romantic song, written by the officer of the Marine Infantry A. Molchanov, and arranged by the composer Nikolaj Devitte. It was extremely popular in the mid-19th century, after which it was forgotten, but experienced a “rebirth” in the 1900s, entering the repertoire of Shalyapin and many other famous singers. At this point, an aristocratic urban romance became better known as a Cossack song, in connection with which many considered it to be folk-written (even the Bug River from the original lyrics was replaced by the Don). The song has many different variations, but all of them tell about the heavy share of a person who understands that he will not be destined to return home. In this video, the romance is performed by the “Kazachij Krug“ (“Cossack Circle“) ensemble. Portrayed by an old Don Cossack with his horse and the landscapes of the river Don at his background. LYRICS: Не для меня придётъ весна, Не дл
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