Can You Beat MASTER MODE as TRUE MELEE in Terraria?
true melee in vanilla is true pain... especially in master mode
True Melee: A Melee subclass where you can only use swords and spears that either don’t fire projectiles or only do so upon hitting an enemy, like the Horseman’s Blade, Bladetongue, and Bee Keeper (but abusing the projectiles with enemy statues or target dummies is not allowed)
Playtime: 30 hours 16 minutes
World Seed: (it isn’t 1295114941 my bad)
Large, Crimson, Master
Music Used (i might have accidentally not put some songs below... let me know if i did)
Terraria OST: Title Screen, Day, Night, Mushroom, Hallow, Dungeon, Boss 2
Terraria Otherworld OST: Consumed by Darkness, Prelude
Elevator music (not sure what the official name is, but heres the link: )
Sakamoto Theme - Heat Up
0:00 Intro
0:41 Pre-Bosses
2:33 i lost alot of footage
2:47 Queen Bee
5:16 Wall of Flesh
6:38 Pre-Mechs
7:29 Destroyer
7:58 Skeletron Pri