Pearl Harbor: The Day of Infamy | WW2 Documentary

On a sleepy Sunday morning in 1941, the Hawaiian island of Oahu couldn’t have looked anymore idyllic. Even with the fairly recent arrival of the United States Pacific Fleet which had deployed to the island from San Diego to their new main base at Pearl Harbor only seemed to harbinger nothing more than a display of US naval prestige. Arranged off Ford Island in a line were seven of America’s mightiest battleships. This part of the harbor had become known appropriately as Battleship Row and the sight of these seemingly invulnerable battlewagons must have convinced all that America’s might was unquestionable. And yet the sun was rising literally and figuratively, shining a spotlight on a vast fleet of aircraft that buzzed through the morning sky and into history. This is the story of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Welcome to Wars of the World. Prefer to listen on the go? Check out the WotW Podcast: Spotify: iTunes:
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