This boss was tankier than I thought it would be. You need at least or HIGHER on your Curses to overlap the cascade.
https:// - remove the space between / and p.
Important Things to take note off:
First of all the rings, you are gonna need two of them or just use Kalandra’s Touch. You’re curses is gonna need at least higher but the more the better.
1. To craft those ring, get a fractured AOE of Hex Skills. Took me an entire Week just to get since the amethyst bases don’t exist and even if they do I always fail to fracture them. Just Fossil crafting.
2. Discipline ES on Hit Watchers Eye and Militant Faith, it’s pretty much almost impossible to sustain Mana on ID Blessing Malevolence since the Flask Mana Cost craft is gone.
3. Phys Mitigation, If you copy my Tree and get all those increased flask effect( Amulet Anoint and Alchemist Genius), you’re only gonna need 23% Phys Taken on your Shield.
4. To be honest a High Level ID Shako, most of the damage is gonna come here. Without it, you might as well play another poison build. Also a 2 AOE Vixen then put Awoke Cascade here.
5. And this for Calculation for Vixen’s, https://
6. Also for the Weapon, the cost of crafting that is like so expensive now since Veiled Chaos Orb doesn’t exist and Veiled Orb cost like 6 Divs. Just get a Fractured Chaos DoT(36 ), reforge chaos for T1 Damage with Poison, multi craft then craft Chaos Skill Effect Duration then Damage DoT. Get the Cast Speed on Flask.
On the top of my head, those are pretty much the important thing to take note of.
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