’ Hado 波動 ’ taken from ’ Mind Onsen ’ EP (released on 26th July 2024 from Phantom Limb) Available on your favorite platforms and streaming!
We are grateful to share our music video ’Hado 波動’ in observance of the anniversary of the end of World War II (15th August 2024). This year marks the 79th anniversary of the end of the war. We offer our sincere condolences to the victims of the last war.
We pray for an end to all wars and for a peaceful and equitable life for everyone.
The video features Riko Sugama - a traditional Ryūkyū dancer originally from Okinawa.
She says “Okinawa, former Ryūkyū having suffered the most devastating effects of World War II in Japan, still bears the scars of war. Today, 70% of all U.S. military bases in Japan are located in Okinawa, and the continuous presence of these bases means that the people of Okinawa live with the daily risk. This historical and ongoing burden has instilled in Okinawans a profound desire for peace.”
“The concept of “HADO“ explores the power of women, the force of water, and the power of the dragon myth, symbolizing balance and the essence of the universe. This aligns with the spirit of Ryukyu dance, which embodies harmony, peace, and a deep connection to nature.”
Huge thanks to everyone who helped and made this happened!!
Ryukyuan dancer: Riko Sugama @rikosugama
Director: Hiroo Tanaka @doggytastes
DOP : Felix Schuster @felix_zapatero
Steady Cam: Timothy Sedgwick @timothysedgwick
Gaffer: Jonathan Deges @jonideges
Electrician: Berk Kutlucan @berkkutlucan
AC: Karl Jäger @Karl_jgr
Stunt Coodinator: Enrike Arribas @Enrikearribas
AD&Photographer: Anastasiia Denysenko @Infinite_kitsch
Visual Retouch : Kazuki Shibuya @nkubvisuals
Title Design/Graphic Moving Image : Kazuhiro Aihara @kazuhiro_aihara
Colorist : Noel Lardon @
Edit&Still photography: @doggytastes
Film Equipment Rental : @seeyourental
Stunt Equipment Rental : @haeger_stunt
Studio : @
Music: Hado by @waqwaqkingdom
Funded by MUSICBOARD BERLIN / Thank you so much for the support!
五体不満足 ゾクゾクしてるかえ
Gotai Fumanzoku Zokuzoku shiteirukake?
( You are healthy and have no physical defects, yet you feel unsatisfied. Are you trembling? )
安車蒲輪 老人手厚くいたわれよー
Anshahorin Rojin Teatsuku Itaware yo
(Please take good care of the elderly )
一視同仁 すべてを平等に慈しみ
Ishi Doshin Subete Wo Byodo Ni Itsukushimi
(Show compassion and love equally to all )
遠慮会釈 つつましく控え目にねー
Enryo Eshaku Tsutsumashiku Hikaemeni Ne
(Be humble and reserved, always with consideration)
温情主義 温かく寛大に接するののよん
Onjo Shugi Atatakaku Kandai Ni Sesuru Nono Yon
(Treat others with kindness and generosity )
慈悲忍辱 にんにきにん 耐えて与えて
Jihi Ninniku Nin Niki Nin Taete Ataete
(Endure with compassion, and give selflessly )
Daiji Daihi (Boundless compassion and great mercy )
大非常時 コンパッション育てろ
Dai hijoji Compassion Sodatero
(In times of great crisis, nurture compassion)
row row row row row row row row
ムラムラ いや
(mura mura : a strong feeling of sexual or emotional excitement in Japanese)
メラメラ いや
(mera mera : often used metaphorically to describe passion or strong feelings in Japanese)
いやいや いや
(E ya E ya : sound of hesitation in Japanese )
波動 (hado)
にこにこ いや
(niko niko : often used to describe a cheerful or happy smile in Japanese )
わくわく いや
(waqwaq: excitement or anticipation. In English, bubbling with excitement. It conveys a sense of eager anticipation and joyful enthusiasm )
どきどき いや
(doki doki : one’s heart racing or pounding, often due to excitement, nervousness, or anticipation )
波動 (hado)
ぷんぷく いや
(pun puku : a sense of being puffed up with anger or indignation in Japanese)
がっがが いや
(GAGA :crazy)
わははの はは
(wa ha ha : sound of laughter in Japanese)
ニコニコ いや
(niko niko : often used to describe a cheerful or happy smile in Japanese )
(wakuwakuwaku :WaqWaqWaq)
波動ーはー (hado ha-!)
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