In this video, I give you 10 things that you should know about guppies in order to care for them properly! I give you all the information that you need to know to successfully keep and breed guppies in an aquarium.
Here are the 10 things listed in this video:
1: Feed a varied diet
I recommend feeding a variety of different live, frozen and commercial foods to your guppies to give them the best health and color possible.
2: Inbreeding ramifications
Because guppies have been domestically bred for decades, the genes of these fish are often very frail and can result in many fish having bent s
...pines and poor immune systems. It is important to buy your guppies from a breeder who has done a great job mixing blood-lines to create a more hardy fish.
3: Tank mates
Guppies are an awesome community fish, so it isn’t really a case of whether guppies will attack other fish, it’s more about whether other fish will attack your guppy.
4: Common diseases
Guppies commonly have issues with internal parasites so it is important to quarantine and medicate your fish upon adding them to a new aquarium.
5: Prolific breeding
Guppies are prolific breeders and give birth to about 30-50 fry at a time. They are livebearers and give birth to live young every 22-25 days.
6: Tank requirements
Guppies don’t require a lot. I recommend keeping a heater and filter in your aquarium and housing them in at least a 10 gallon tank.
7: Keep live plants
Live plants help keep nasty chemicals that form in the aquarium down by using them to grow. So they can act as a natural “filter“ in your aquarium.
8: Filtration
I recommend using sponge filters in your guppy aquariums to stop fry getting sucked up and killed.
9: Life-span
Guppies live about 1-3 years on average so it is normal to lose a guppy every now and then to old age.
10: Inspect the guppies like crazy before you buy
Make sure you buy the healthiest guppies possible from the store to make sure that you don’t have any problems with sickness when you bring them home.
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