completing my OT8 Stray Kids NOEASY collection ✧ album, jewel case, pobs | storing kpop photocards

just in time for a new comeback… i’m finally storing my completed NOEASY collection and WOW was there a lot to collect and manage this past era! i hope Christmas EveL and our next full release is a little more chilled out. keeping up with all the releases the last few months has kept me so busy…and so broke. as mentioned, i will be making a video on how my fillers are made. Please look forward to that in the new year 😊 ‼️ VOTE FOR SKZ FOR MAMA ‼️ thanks for stopping by~~ ✧ trade/sell ig: ✧ twt: Stop Asian Hate Crimes: ✧ BINDER SUPPLIES ✧ - 3in D-Ring Binder – Staples/Office Supply Store -White fillers – printer paper -SKZ fillers – - Ultra Pro 9-Pocket Pages -
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