► Order Tascam Tapes:
Blood Meridian I
Pablo wrote the riff on the 1st day of the French tour but couldn’t record it because the Tascam broke down. One of the belts had broken and eventually we replaced it with an elastic rubber band. Just so you know: that’s an acoustic guitar rippin through your speakers!
The verse was written in the van somewhere in Germany. We remembered the riff once we were back home, combined it with the verse and finished the song. The lyrics are inspired by a Cormac McCarthy book of the
same name, about a group of low life outlaws on a vicious killing spree hunting down Native Americans. Not even ghosts will survive to tell the tales of this band...
TOUR 2020:
JAN 11: NL - Amsterdam, Paradiso
FEB 17: FR - Paris, Le petit bain
FEB 18: FR - Cognac, Les Abattoirs
FEB 20: ES - Madrid, Sala Caracol *
FEB 21: ES - Zaragoza, Sala Lopez *
FEB 22: ES - Barcelona, Wolf Live *
FEB 27: FR - Lyon, Transborde