Nirvana - School “You’re in High School Again“ Screams 1988-1994
What is the best?
0:00 Dorm K208, The Evergreen State College, Olympia 10/30/88
0:04 The Underground, Seattle, WA 12/28/88
0:09 Rhino Records Westwood, Los Angeles, CA 06/23/89
0:13 Club Dreamerz, Chicago, IL 07/08/89
0:18 Green Street Station, Jamaica Plain, MA 07/15/89
0:22 Pyramid Club (New Music Seminar), New York, NY 07/18/89
0:27 Cabaret Metro, Chicago, IL 09/30/89
0:31 Nighttown, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 11/01/89
0:36 Vera, Groningen, The Netherlands 11/02/89
0:40 Rose Club, Cologne, West