Jordan Rudess Pianoverse Gran Concerto 278 piano virtual instrument sound demo

- In this video, watch as master keyboardist Jordan Rudess demonstrates the new Gran Concerto 278 Pianoverse piano virtual instrument. Gran Concerto 278 is based on a robot-assisted deep multisampling of a 9.5’ Fazioli F278 concert grand piano manufactured by Fazioli Pianoforti of Sacile, Italy. Made from the finest materials, this masterpiece of craftsmanship uses wood from the same red spruce forest in the Carpathian Mountains where Antonio Stradivari cultivated his rare and celebrated violins. It’s considered by many jazz and classical players to be the finest piano in the world. The F278 has a rich, powerful sound that’s well-suited for both solo and orchestral performances. It’s also known for its responsive action and wide dynamic range. The F278 is used by many of the world’s leading pianists, including Herbie Hancock, Lang Lang, Yuja Wang and Daniil Trifonov. It is also a popular choice for concert halls and recording studios.
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