10 MIN SEXY LEGS - a hardcore workout for booty, calves, inner + outer thighs I Pamela Reif

a new KILLER Classic Leg Workout… trains your bubble butt, inner and outer thighs & your calves ♥︎ you gotta put in the extra work to get extraordinary results! The pain in my eyes says it all :D / Anzeige What do we train? ▸ BOOTY: Sit back during all the Squats, keeping your weight on your heel. Activate the butt cheeks to push yourself up again & squeeze them tight at the top position. Also pay attention to keep your knees STABLE and not let them collapse inwards on your way up. Important! ▸ THIGHS: Big Inner Thigh focus for all the Sumo squats. ▸ CALVES: those parts almost feel like a rest haha!!! A tiny muscle, that I tend to neglect myself. But I enjoy the burn a lot :) ▸ different FEET POSITIONS, so we train all sides of our sexy legs. Switching positions is always a good option to hit the muscles form all angles! ♥︎ Your stuck with me for those 10 minutes anyways .. so make sure you use them
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