“When ships to sail the void between the stars have been built, there will step forth men to sail these ships“.
― Johannes Kepler (1571--1630)
01. Phobium - Distant Sol [self-recorded @ ]
02. Jaja - Mintaka [13:02] [CYAN]
03. Vangelis- The Bounty [19:24] [One World Music - OWM]
04. Atrium Carceri - Eraser [22:30] [Cold Meat Industry]
05. Julien H Mulder- Fragments [25:30] [self-recorded]
06. Mystery Of The Yeti - The Call; The Journey [28:33] [TIP Records]
07. Altus - Black Hole [30:45] [Altus Music]
08. Al-pha-X - Operatic Meow Prelude [54:20] [One World Music - OWM]
09. Solar Fields - Dust [58:00] [Droneform Records]
10. Mank - Dijima [01:01:22] [Mankymusic]
11. Hollan Holmes - Zero-Point Energy [01:05:20] [self-recorded]
12. Carbon Based Lifefor