Diploma Programme at Brookes Moscow

Welcome to Brookes Moscow, our International Day & Boarding School, in the heart of Moscow; a place where our students studying in their graduating years receive learning that opens doors to local and global universities. Brookes Russia, as part of Brookes Education Group, where we hold a collective vision: to educate a world of self-confident lifelong learners connected and inspired to help others. Our core values of character, creativity and connectivity form the basis of our Diploma Programme, where our oldest of students form life-long friendships and realise their dreams. All this is carefully managed by a team of committed, qualified and enthusiastic teachers who work with our students in class, and individually over the two year programme. In September 2023 our Middle Years learners will graduate into the Diploma Programme, joining those students who will begin the final leg of their educational journey with Brookes. As we launch alongside our Diploma Programme, the opportunity to undertake p
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