The Story of My Misfortunes (or: Historia Calamitatum) by Pierre ABÉLARD | Full Audio Book
The Story of My Misfortunes (or: Historia Calamitatum) by Pierre ABÉLARD (1079 - 1142), translated by Henry Adams BELLOWS (1803 - 1873)
Genre(s): Memoirs
Read by: Martin Geeson in English
00:00:00 - 01 - Foreword, Chapters I-V
00:28:30 - 02 - Chapters VI, VII
00:57:45 - 03 - Chapters VIII, IX
01:23:13 - 04 - Chapters X-XII
01:57:14 - 05 - Chapters XIII-XV
Autobiographies from remote historical periods can be especially of self-presentation vary greatly across the centuries, as of course doesthe very concept of Abelard, the medieval philosopher and composer, here gives a concisebut vivid survey of his notoriously calamitous life. The work is couched in theform of a letter to an afflicted friend. Abelard’s abrasively competitive, oftenarrogant personality emerges at once in the brief Foreword, where he informs hiscorrespondent: ’(I)n comparing your sorrows with mine, you may discover thatyours are in truth no