The Creators of The Division are making an Insane New Game... 👀
Showcasing the newly revealed game: Exoborne! Created by Former Division Developers, Exoborne was revealed in a new Game Awards 2023 Trailer! It’s an Open-World Extraction Shooter with Exo-Rigs, Dynamic Weather Events & MORE!
Taking a break from Destiny 2, we are talking about a highly anticipated New Games that was just revealed in 2023! Revealed at The Game Awards 2023, and developed my Sharkmob Studios, Exoborne is a new entry into the Extraction Shooter Genre! Created by former developers of the key team that made The Division, there is likely to be some fresh new ideas in-terms of looting, perhaps letting an extraction shooter compete more with the Looter shooter market such as The Division 2 and Destiny 2!