10-year-old’s speech about racism he’s experienced at Redmond City Council draws support from ...

A recent, disturbing hate crime in Redmond brought a large crowd to the City Council meeting last Tuesday night to support the mayor and a Black city councilor who were the targets, and to decry racism. But a 10-year-old fourth-grader made clear that the problem is more pervasive than many would like to think. 10-year-old Gavin Alston went to the microphone, reading from a handwritten statement and said that even when black people are showing respect, “we still get treated like crap.” Gavin said he “felt like I belonged” at the school he attended in third grade, but now, in the fourth grade, “a lot of people have been calling me the N-word, or a monkey – even Black boy. One girl even said, ‘I would hit you, but that’s called animal abuse.” | Read more:
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