Extreme weather continues to impact China.
On Tuesday, a severe thunderstorm hit Hubei province.
The thunderstorm was accompanied by rain and hail.
The size of the hailstones reached six centimeters.
Wind gusts of up to 90 km/h were also recorded.
The northern part of the province was mainly affected.
Residents were looking for safe places and hiding from the hail.
On social networks, eyewitnesses shared footage of the natural disaster.
Thick hail covered the roofs of houses and cars.
The streets and courtyards turned white.
There were traffic problems on the roads due to hail.
Several people received minor injuries from hail.
According to the Bureau of Meteorology, the thunderstorm was caused by a complex and dynamic weather system.
Hubei is a province in east-central China.
The administrative center is Wuhan.
#china #weather #news #storm #hail
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