Roland MC-101 Groovebox Controller and Editor as VST and Standalone Version

You can buy it on my homepage: Price: 6,90 € / $ 7,90 Instagram: @momomller Here are my Midi Editors for the Roland MC-101 Groovebox. With the MC-101 Editor you have direct access to many parameters. Especially helpful is the possibility to select / start the scenes and clips directly. In the PlugIn VST Version you can record the controller movements and how to integrate the MC-101 into your DAW Project. Editor Features: - Select / start the Scenes and Clips directly from Editor. - Complex sound changes can be made easily and quickly. - Direct access to the sound parameters - All controllers can be automated. - X-Y modulation of all parameters - All Scatter variants can be started from the Editor. - You can use your MC-101 as a sound module in the DAW! The Editors are available for PC as VST / Standalone 32/64 bit and for MAC as VST / AU / Standalone 64 bit and MAC-M1. Price: 6,90€ / $ 7,90 Info Homepage:
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