- Three Station Square of Kazansky, Yaroslavsky and Leningradsky Stations

Walking tour around Komsomolskaya Square (Russian: Комсомо́льская пло́щадь), known as Kalanchyovskaya (Russian: Каланчёвская площадь) before 1932, is a square in Moscow, with a blend of revivalist Tsarist and Stalinist architecture. It is referred to informally as Three Station Square (Russian: Пло́щадь трёх вокза́лов; lit. “Ploshchad’ tryokh vokzalov“) after the three rail termini situated there: Leningradsky, Yaroslavsky, and Kazansky. These stations connect Moscow with Saint Petersburg, northwestern Russia, the Volga region, and Siberia via the Trans-Siberian Railway. Winter in Russia. Travel 4K Feb 03, 2022 #moscow #komsomolskayasquare #winter
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