Echoes of Reformation - Galkin Sergei

Песня о Жан Кальви́не, французском теологе, полемисте и пасторе времён протестантской Реформации Лирика In a town of old Geneva fair, Lived John Calvin, free from worldly cares, A man of faith and bold conviction, Whose teachings sparked a grand tradition. With pen in hand and fervent mind, He penned the truths that still unwind, His legacy in pages writ, A testament to steadfast wit. Nostalgia whispers through the years, As Calvin’s voice still lingers near, His words like echoes in the night, Guiding souls towards the light. Through trials great and burdens borne, He stood unwavering, not forlorn, His spirit strong, his vision clear, A beacon in a world of fear. So let us raise our voices high, To honor him beneath the sky, John Calvin’s legacy remains, A light that in our hearts sustains. #symphonic, #music, #Музыка, #classic
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