EPE foam hot melting densifier is an EPE recycling machine, which can smash the waste PE foam materials into small pieces by the blades and screw, and then it could be easily compressed into tight foam ingots at a ratio of 90:1. After compaction, the waste foam can be reused to make other products, such as frame products and construction moldings.
In addition, the applicable materials also include EPS, XPS, EPP, food trays and cups. Our EPE EPS recycling machine is able to eliminate all your waste foam recycling concerns.
EPE EPS foam hot melt densifier machine to reduce the size of expanded polystyrene foam and expanded polypropylene foam for easier transportation. It is also called EPS densifier and EPS compactor. It is widely used in sea food processing plant, electronic factories, White goods and black goods stores, and the supermarkets.
: from 150 to 200kg per hour.
compression ratio could arrive at 1:90.