Hurrian Hymn To Nikkal / No. 6 (1400 BCE)

D O W N L O A D: The cuneiform tablet (pictured above) on which this hymn was written dates from approximately 1200-50 , although some now date them as early as 1400 . There have been at least five major attempts to render the notation on this tablet into modern musical notation, each with different results. I chose Richard J. Dumbrill’s version due to its musical appeal rather than the likelihood of its correctness. “A Quick Word on Copyright“ (11/12/20): I have received several questions about the copyright of this piece over the years. Although the cuneiform tablets themselves do not fall under copyright for obvious reasons, Dumbrill’s transcription does; furthermore, although I used this score as a foundation, this particular audio recording is covered under “automatic copyright.“ Put simply, “I, myself, created the work and committed it to a form of media; t
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