Ratting mayhem with the Suffolk & Norfolk Rat Pack

Rat and dogs everywhere – the Suffolk & Norfolk Rat Pack are out in force to clear the rodents, and James Marchington is there to film them. Suffolk and Norfolk Rat Pack ▶ Sign up for our weekly email newsletter ▶ To watch all of #FieldsportsBritain, episode 639, visit ▶ Fieldsports Shop Why shoot foxes? The British red fox is widespread across the whole of mainland Britain and Ireland. The best estimate of the current British fox population is 240,000 adults in spring, to which a production of 425,000 cubs is added annually. The fox has no natural predator and for the population to remain stable, 425,000 foxes must therefore die each year. Fox numbers need to be managed and controlled to prevent the predation of lambs, piglets reared outdoors, free range and domestic poultry. Foxes can also have a significant impact o
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