Excitement is building among many Biblical Christians and Messianic Believers at the coming FALL FEASTS. We understand that following the Scriptural Fall Feasts align us with prophetic signs for the imminent and incredible appearing of our Messiah, Yeshua! MAY IT BE THIS YEAR! However, many fail to understand the true meaning of His GLORIOUS APPEARING and how THAT SOON-COMING MIRACULOUS EVENT can affect us RIGHT HERE and Dr. William Schnoebelen as he takes you beyond the simple eschatological meaning of these concepts to the deeper mysteries of the powerful Apocalypse of Messiah – endowed in every moment of your life as a BELIEVER in the GLORIOUS APPEARING! 🔵 THANK YOU BELOVED WOACM FAMILY FOR YOUR PRAYERS, LOVE & FINANCIAL SUPPORT MAKING THESE VIDEO TEACHINGS POSSIBLE. Visit With One Accord Church Ministries website for hundreds of FREE RESOURCES and Dr. Bill’s DVD Teachings, Books, Tracts and PRAYERs! 🔴 MORE YOUTUBE TEACHINGS PROPHECY & SECRET MESSAGES: FEAST of TRUMPETS! FEAST OF TRUMPETS – YOM TERUAH: THE END OF THE WORLD CHARISMATIC GIFTS & PENTECOST! Are Spiritual Gifts for Today? LIGHT: BLUE vs SUNLIGHT! DR. SCHNOEBELEN’s RUMBLE CHANNEL:
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