How To Replace Clutch Pedal Spring In A Focus ST [Assistance Spring Mod]

Follow me on Instagram: This mod is super popular and I have yet to find a video on how to do it, so I decided to just create my own. It’s super easy to do and does not require a lot of skill. For many (including myself) the clutch spring in the Ford Focus ST is just way too powerful and offers no real clutch feel. It’s not all that linear and has way too much kick back traveling back up. Lots of people have opted to just take the clutch spring out but this could possibly harm the clutch of your turbo ecoboost ST in the long end. Instead I have taken the advice of many posters on and have replaced my stock spring with a Hilman #47 spring. You can buy this spring at Lowes. You can also buy something similar at your local parts store.
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