Benjamin Tod, “Beautiful Curse,“ // GemsOnVHS™

Ben came down to Old Hickory, Tennessee to play a new tune for us, just before the pandemic swept the nation. In some sort of premonition of events to come, we talked a little bit about how it is the duty of an artist to go into the darkness and come out with something people can use. That’s why songwriting is important; it pieces together all our desires, fears, ambitions, hopes, dreams, failures and victories into a little package we can appreciate, and grow from. Fitting for a moment like now, when the songs are helping us all get through isolation, quarantine and financial woe. Indeed, a...s I stare at an empty calendar running into the summer, I owe a lot to the artists who spend their whole life writing these feelings I can’t adequately deal with on my own. Teaching me, letting me lean on their sweet melodies and stories. So thanks to them, cheers. Buy your favorite songwriter a drink next you see them, and for now buy their music online so they can survive long enough to share the tunes they’re writing
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