“The sun. The moon.
The essence of life.
The time of all things kept to the slaves of it.
The sisters of these burdens lay rest to these tasks.
To these they grew as all do.
To these they saw and breathed and felt as all do.
To this, they despaired as all do.
As the burden of keeping the peace of balance grew ever more. The darkness grew ever so sorrow. As those she was to burden and to please who then rejected her. The darkness of the moon overwhelmed of the night. To become the nightmare of the sins. The light of the sun despair in the shock of the vile.
She objected to the pain of a thousand nights and to the ears of a thousand suns. She shined the battle of a million lifetimes to the end of 1 story. She reasoned with the mind of the night. To bring back to this that they all grew together. That they lived together. That they loved each other. The night was tainted to the tempt and wanted the love of the light.
The night refused. The light gave into the