TRIBES WITH KNIVES - Surface (Video)

Video for the song โ€œSurfaceโ€œ. TRIBES WITH KNIVES were a Heavy-Alternative band from St. Louis, MO and good friends of ANACRUSIS. Kenn Nardi produced their first two demos and later joined the band for several shows after Anacrusis split up in 1994. This video was originally compiled by founding member Jeff Carline for the demo version of the song, but this footage has been re-edited and featues the version of the song from their 1994 album โ€œYou May Safely Grazeโ€œ (Red Decibel Records). The video features the 3 founding members of TWK: Adam Marfisi (guitar/vocals), Michael Dorlac (bass) and Jeff Carline (guitar/drum sequencing). Kenn Nardi was not in the band at the time of this recording and is not on the album. Jeff Carline had left the band shortly before the album was recorded and later formed the band VISIONS OF PASSION & TORTURE. Jeff passed away unexpectedly in 2004. (more)
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