Watch π (Pi) painting “The area of a Circle“ ENDLESSLY - 1440p 🎵 : “Deer“ by ANBR
I am the original creator of the Pi post which went viral on all social media! Here is the longer 1440p version.
Viral IG Pi Reel :
Viral Tiktok Pi Video : @thiebo_badminton/video/7292488315930971424
Function : z(t) = e^ti e^pi*ti
t is timeStamp value, but in radians, i is imaginary number and e is euler’s constant
Short Explanation :
The outer arm spins around at a speed, precisely π times faster than the inner arm. But because π is this never-ending, irrational number, that outer arm will never, ever stop at its starting point, no matter how long the video goes on. It’s like a forever chase scene where the arm always misses the target line by the tiniest bit, and that bit is basically as thin as it gets.
Detailed explanation of Pi post by angzt from reddit :
Music : “Deer“ by Adrian Berenguer. (Licensed)
Python code for the final steady drawing ( Not for the animation ) :
import numpy as np
import as plt
# Create an array of theta values in degrees (e.g., from 0 to 113*360 degrees)
theta_degrees = (0, 113*360, 10000)
# Convert degrees to radians
theta_radians = (theta_degrees)
# Calculate z(theta) using the formula , 1j is imaginary number
z = (theta_radians * 1j) ( * theta_radians * 1j)
# Separate the real and imaginary parts of z
x = (z)
y = (z)
# Create a plot with specific settings
(figsize=(10, 10)) # Set a square figure 10x10 inches
(x, y, color=’white’, linewidth=0.5) # Set line color to white and line width to 0.5
().set_facecolor(’black’) # Set background color to black
().set_aspect(’equal’) # Equal aspect ratio
(False) # Turn off the grids
(-2.5, 2.5) # X-axis limit
(-2.5, 2.5) # Y-axis limit
() # Display the plot
1 view
7 years ago 00:03:00 22
#120. Что больше: e^π или π^e?
7 years ago 00:41:42 2
WATCH DOGS 2 ➤ Прохождение #21 ➤ MuCTEp_πPe3ugEHT
6 years ago 00:03:58 82
Что больше e^π или π^e? | Ботай со мной #043 | Борис Трушин !
6 years ago 00:39:35 3
WATCH DOGS 2 ➤ Прохождение #17 ➤ 4JleH_XuπCTeP
12 months ago 00:15:21 5
Why π^π^π^π could be an integer (for all we know!).