Crimea RUSSIA is sinking! 😱 Severe Flooding in Kerch.
#NDNews: Natural disasters news every day. Disaster June 17. Live news live about bad weather and climate change. Earth’s pain will cleanse the Planet from the humanity. In the world in a day about severe nature. Catastrophes are here and now. Global warming is not far off.
Emergency! Crimea goes under water! Severe flooding in Kerch, Russia.
The downpour, which began on the evening of June 16 in Kerch and lasted almost all night, flooded the streets. The center was cut off from the rest of the city, trash cans and stalls floated through the streets, water covered cars on the roof. Now the river Melek-Chesme, which has overflowed its banks, runs in a stormy stream along some streets. The flood broke trees, demolished fences.
Today the bus passengers had to be evacuated by rescuers, that’s how it was. The day before, a storm warning was announced on the peninsula. During the night, 72 millimeters of preci
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