When You Invent the Whole Instrumental Shred Genre & Everyone Just Follows Your Lead! - JOE SATRIANI

Learn this lick in style with our high-tech software: Classic wah-wah pedal tone in the style of Joe Satriani: *What are asong files?* A file is our innovative way of compactly distributing educational content without the need of external software. Usually, one needs a PDF viewer, an audio/video player, and/or a tablature viewer. None of these tools can handle tab/partiture, video and audio at the same time and one needs to switch from one application to the next in order to learn the music. Amparosoft’s iPracticeMyMusicPlayer and asong files have everything you need in one place, for bette...r and faster results while making your learning experience more enjoyable. Start learning these lick series in style, with real audio, loops, tempo and pitch controls, a speed trainer and much more. For PDF / guitar pro version, or to help support future transcriptions and more, check out my PATREON page! Original video this lic
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