Donkey Kong - Versions Comparison (HD)

Comparison video of Donkey Kong (Nintendo 1981) that features gameplay of the following versions: Arcade (0:00) ColecoVision (0:43) Coleco Tabletop (1:09) Atari 2600 (1:36) Intellivision (1:55) NES / Famicom (2:22) PC DOS (2:52) Commodore 64 / C64 (Atarisoft) (3:22) Commodore 64 / C64 (Ocean) (4:11) Atari 8-bit family (5:03) Texas Instruments TI-99/4A (5:22) VIC-20 (6:05) Apple II (6:24) Coleco Adam (6:52) Amstrad CPC (7:41) ZX Spectrum (8:30) MSX (9:36) Famicom Disk System (10:14) Atari 7800 (10:42) Ni
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