888Hz | Abundant Aura, Remove All Negative Energy Blocks | Angelic Healing Music | NĀDA : DAY 23
888 : this is the angel number of guiding you towards your abundant aura. 8 signifies balance, infinite and intuition . In most of the cultures, 888 is the symbol of abundance focused mostly on financial wealth. 888Hz is a very special frequency. It resonates very closely with the 3rd Eye Chakra frequency, which is linked to intuition and it is an harmonic double of 444Hz, which stimulates our entire chakra energy system. Any music with 888Hz is bound to have lower and higher harmonics in it and so does this. As you meditate using this angelic track, focus your attention on your third eye, and let your own intuition be your guiding light. And as you do that, you might encounter self-limiting thoughts, those subconscious blocks telling you that it’s not possible, you can not do that. In that moment, listen to your intuition. Choose light. And how you know it’s your intuition, when you take the side of your intuition, you feel free. Worrying and overthinking stops, you are not running around in circles
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2 months ago 00:00:00 1
Portal de DINERO 888 Hz✧Abre el Portal de la PROSPERIDAD✧Todo lo Bueno que Vendrá - Milagro de DIOS
2 months ago 06:00:00 1
Active Energy of Wealth and Prosperity | Love and Gratitude | Money and Health | Abundant Nature