When Narcissist Says "I Love You" - What Does It Mean to Him?

Mislabeling and misidentifying internal dynamics is a common cognitive distortion among cluster B patients. Self-deceiving mental artifacts and self-gaslighting are the hallmarks of several personality disorders, including Narcissistic and Borderline. Consider, for example the interpersonal dimension. The personality disordered are totally incapable of any intimacy and of any emotions whatsoever in sex and, more generally, with people. They habitually confuse dependency, limerence, novelty, infatuation (rush), exhibitionism, masochism, defiance, competitiveness, possessiveness, neediness, connection, and people pleasing with love and intimacy. These, of course, are not the same things, not by a long shot. Actually, they are the antonyms of love and intimacy. It FEELS like emotions and intimacy to these patients because they know no better and no different. When they
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