Avalanche Horror (1965)

Item title reads - Avalanche horror. Glacier plunges onto Mattmark dam building site at Saas-Fee killing at least 88 people. Switzerland. M/S of mountains, pan down to work site of dam. M/S earth moving machines at work before the tragedy. Various shots of the lake and dam with snow capped mountains behind. Various shots of huge earth moving machines and bulldozers at work. C/U man operating bulldozer. C/U large mound of earth being pushed. M/S another large bulldozer. M/S lorry tipping large boulders onto site. M/S bulldozers at work with mountains behind. C/U pan man operating bulldozer. C/U large rocks being pushed away. C/U another man operating bulldozer. M/S large machine with conveyor belt filling truck with earth. C/U earth coming off conveyor belt into truck. C/U lorry driver looking out of cab window up past camera. L/S of glacier pan down to large earth mover. Many of these workers were killed in the avalanche. L/S at night as rescue operations get under way. M/S rescuers digging in
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