Orthodox Chants: Slavic Byzantine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom | Christian Music with Lyrics
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Byzantine is said to be the rite that, derived from liturgical customs already attested in Antioch in the 4th century, developed in Constantinople (Byzantium), under the dual influence of the imperial basilicas and monasteries, until it appeared in the 9th century substantially the same as the present rite.
Byzantine Slavonic is the rite in use in the Russian Patriarchal Church. The same name can also be given to the rite of the Ukrainian Catholics (Ruthenian), which, however, has particular variants. The Liturgy of St John Chrysostom is the customary form of the Mass (called in the East “Liturgy“) attributed to this saint. There is another formulary, identical in outline but with longer priestly prayers, attributed to St Basil, used about ten times a year.
The official date of the baptism of Rus’ is 988: along with Christianity, Byzantine missionaries brought liturgical singing to Russia. Two centuries later, there was already an autonomous liturgical chant, also monodic, which was a modification of Byzantine chant and was enriched over the centuries, even developing its own system of musical notation.
This form reached its peak under Ivan the Terrible, who appreciated and collected famous chants and singers and was himself a composer.
In the second half of the 17th century, many elements of western culture, including multi-voice music, spread strongly in Russia: it quickly spread to the Church and almost completely suffocated native liturgical singing, which was only preserved in a few monasteries.
With the 19th century, Russian national consciousness regained strength in all fields of culture.
Valuable musicologists studied the ancient liturgical chant, emphasised its modal structure, gave it a particular and suitable harmonic guise and composed themselves inspired by these principles.
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➤ Music by:
Coro di Russia Cristiana and Ludwig Pichler
From the album ’Liturgia bizantina slava di San Giovanni Crisostomo’
℗ 1994 La Gloria / Rusty Records
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00:00 Inizio e grande litania
03:32 Prima antifona e piccola litania
05:35 Seconda antifona e piccola litania
07:39 Terza antifona
10:09 Piccolo ingresso
10:48 Tropari
13:05 Trisagio
14:33 Epistola
18:04 Alleluia
19:47 Vangelo
25:35 Seconda grande litania
28:21 Litania per i catecumeni
31:55 Inno dei cherubini
37:54 Grande litania di supplica
41:33 Credo
44:32 Anafora
46:40 Santo
48:09 Consacrazione
50:30 Preghiera alla madre di Dio
53:00 Grande litania di supplica
56:08 Padre nostro
01:02:04 Comunione
01:08:22 Ringraziamento
01:11:13 Benedizione e rinvio
➤ Credits:
Priest celebrant: Father Romano Scalfi
Deacon: Father Denis Guillaume osb
Reader: Father Stefano Caprio
Conductor: Father Ludwig Pichler sj
Choir of ’Christian Russia’, Milan
Live recording made in Milan on 6 November 1988.
Sunday XXIV of the Year, VII tone.
➤ Image:
St. Cyril and St. Methodius
➤ Contact:
Youtube: @lagloriamusic
#christianmusic #liturgy #sacredmusic #choir
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