Craft Fur Clouser - Tips to make it EASY! - McFly Angler Fly Tying Sessions
Craft Fur Clousers aren’t like deer hair closures. Sure they look similar, and tied in similarly as well. However, I find that there are a few things that make the craft fur closure more difficult to tie than the original buck tail clousers. I go over some of the techniques that make it easy though, and once. you learn these, they actually become quicker and easier than their natural cousin.
One thing about craft fur is that it flows very nicely in the water. That makes this the perfect material for small closures. I have tied them down to size 16 even, and you still get a little movement even. Thats the thing, I find bucktail closures work much better than craft fur clousers when tied larger. Usually size 2 and up. You could even get away with a size 4 in bucktail, but I feel its important to get that movement, so smaller than that, I always reach for craft fur.
As always I list the materials I use. Also don’t forget to check out and use my discount code Mc