Wembley Stadium, London.
Title: “MONARCHS, PRIESTS & PEOPLE unite in deeply impressive religious festival ’for Thanksgiving for Empire Builders of the past and prayers for the present and the future“.
C/U of four buglers on white horses blowing a fanfare in front of the packed stadium stands. L/S of King George V and Queen Mary taking a seat in the Royal Box. Various L/Ss of a large military band marching across the stadium. M/S of the King and Queen looking over the balcony.
L/S of soldiers parading across the pitch between two brass bands, some of the soldiers hold large banners and flags, the soldiers are followed by men in civilian clothes - war veterans? - and nurses.
L/S of the packed stands - a sea of open umbrellas! L/S of priests and choir boys parading across the pitch. M/S of a bishop walking across the pitch, two choir boys hold his cloak, several priests follow - they go up some steps onto a raised platform. Panning shot of the spectator stands showing the platform in fro
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6 months ago 00:01:00 1
Господь очень вас любит! #апокалипсис #монархия #последнийцарь #православие #каноны #пророчество
6 months ago 00:00:57 1
Вера это источник всякой благодати #апокалипсис #монархия #последнийцарь #православие #каноны
6 months ago 00:00:57 1
Благодать Божия в Имени Зосима! #апокалипсис #монархия #последнийцарь
6 months ago 00:00:58 1
Любите друг друга! #апокалипсис #монархия #последнийцарь #православие
6 months ago 00:00:53 1
Я верю Духу Божьему! #апокалипсис #монархия #последнийцарь #православие #каноны
6 months ago 00:00:46 1
Рыдание должно быть изнутри #апокалипсис #монархия #последнийцарь #православие #каноны