He beat Magnus Carlsen using just 90 seconds | Sarana vs Carlsen | Commentary by Sagar Shah

It was a 3 minute game, but Alexey Sarana needed just half of his time to beat the World Champion Magnus Carlsen. How did he do that? Well, the Russian GM came up with some amazing bit of preparation for the battle. He first caught Carlsen in the opening and then built up a massive advantage. The end of the game is very amusing with Magnus moving his bishop to a square where it would have been lost. One of the sponsors of the tournament is Core. Check out their website for a special offer: Video: ChessBase India #Chess #ChessBaseIndia #magnuscarlsen #wrb2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ◾ChessBase India channel: ◾Support young talents via HelpChess Foundation: ◾Review us on Google: ◾ChessBase Indi
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