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Generative AI can be called many things depending on your point of view: machine, thief, tool, medium, collaborator, muse and even artist. In this video, I will try to find answers to a lot of complex things and I will attempt to judge this technology with an open mind. In the last couple of weeks, I spoke to many amazing artists and scientists about my mixed feelings about generative AI. Join me to hear their thoughts, my advice to creators and predictions on what’s to come.
This video is NOT monetized. I didn’t make this video to profit from it. I put a lot of effort into making it and hope to bring more awareness to this issue. I really appreciate it if you can share it with your friends/followers!
Apple -
Spotify -
Jon Lam -
Patrick Brown -
Steven Zapata -
Grzegorz Domaradzki -
Levente Szabo -
Scott Eaton -
SamDoesArts -
Bobby Chiu -
JazzaDraws -
Jake Parker -
Kirsten Zirngibl -
Apple example (latent image) by Corridor Crew:
Have I Been Trained -
Nightshade -
Glaze -
FlippedNormals -
UK House of Lords publication on LLMs and Gen AI - #_idTextAnchor002
Adobe’s AI Ethics -
Fake Art Book -
AI Art and its impact on Artists -
Videos & Podcasts:
Dana Rao on The Verge -
Flipped Normals (Henning and Morten) - Studios are Choosing AI Over Artists - Why We Are Pro Artists -
The AI Art Apocalypse -
Sam Hamper -
PewDiePie’s art journey -
Draftsmen (Stan Prokopenko and Marshall Vandruff) -
Dave Rapoza and Steven Zapata -
The problem with AI-generated art | Steven Zapata | TEDxBerkeley -
The End of Art: An Argument Against Image AIs -
00:00 Introduction
00:59 AI Potential
01:40 Data Set / Image Generation
03:44 Text to Image Models
08:29 AI Style Mimicry
13:07 Intellectual Property
16:16 Nightshade
17:27 Commercial use of AI
22:48 Industrialized Art
26:44 Artists vs AI artists
32:06 AI Copyright
33:44 Ethical AI
37:24 Future in Art
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