Faster Sprint Times - Hamstring Training For Speed - Ep5

This “Hamstring Test and Strengthening“ video is part of our ONLINE TRAINING & REHAB WEB APP. Our online training is cutting edge and gives athletes the programs and support they need to significantly improve their strength, speed, vertical, and flexibility. LEARN ABOUT OUR SPORTS TRAINING WEB APP: #sixLevel LEARN ABOUT OUR INJURY REHAB APP: -------------------- Details of Training ---------------------- 6 LEVEL SPORTS TRAINING Much like earning a black belt in martial arts, Corexcell has developed a 6 level tiered system to motivate athletes to reach their full athletic potential and safeguard them from injury. There is testing at the end of each level to see if the athlete is ready for the next training stage. All 6 levels are geared toward serious athletes who want to make a difference in their athletic career. The training programs in each level combine sp
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