🔥 Power BI Nano tip of the week 🔥
Did you know you can use gifs as your canvas background/wallpaper in Power BI?
It really does bring the report to life don’t you think?
I personally love this tip, specially to build sample reports for my portfolio!
Note: you might encounter some performance issues if your gif is too large, be careful with that...
What do you think of these Home pages designed with gifs? Is it a yey or a nay for you?
Let me know in the comments!
Join me at the Power BI Report Design Bootcamp and become a POWER BI DATA STORYTELLING MASTER! 🤓 👇
📚 Books I recommend (
...Power BI) 📚
Storytelling with Data -
How Charts Lie -
Knowledge Is Beautiful -
Microsoft Power BI Cookbook -
The Definitive Guide to DAX -
Don’t Make Me Think (UX) -
📚 Books I recommend (Business) 📚
Expert Secrets -
Dotcom Secrets -
Think and Grow Rich -
Rich Dad Poor Dad -
The 4-Hour Workweek -
Atomic Habits -
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